Pratush koul
2 min readJul 9, 2023

Despise you
You cruel beast
You took her away
She adored you
Before me it was you
She bathed you in milk
The milk i cried for
After i was born,
I saw her before you
Eyes closed
She prayed in murmurs
Never she yelled
To you
Even though you did nothing
I was the best child
Her child
But yet i was
Never you

You took her
The shimmer of her eyes
That moonlit smile she had
Now hides behind you
Eclipsed by your presence
Or absence i don't know
She was my world
You took her into yours
I see her temple
Every day
The temple she built
Your last devotee
You sent her off
To the pilgrimage of no return
You broke my temple
And stole my idol
Now the world asks
Why I don't pray

Shiva carrying the corpse of Sati

Mother of you she was
But she was herself too
Of pain and agony you say
I am agony I am grief
My beloved was snatched
And thrown into pieces
Imagine this heart
Looking for the limbs and the legs
The hair and the heart
Of whom who made me one
Now nowhere, I was none
Heart knows no pain
Only life or no life
The pain is in memory
A Memory that yearns
You must hate me child
But see above me
The eternal ocean
No one can stop its flow
In my hands are just ashes
Of whom who were there
Of whom who will be
She is still there child
Find her
Not in the corners of your memory
But in the beats of your heart
You will find her
You will find her

Pratush koul
Pratush koul

Written by Pratush koul

Scribbling sentences which are in solidarity with solitude.

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